Web Design – The Trends, The Tips, The Concerns

Design Styles

Congratulations, you are officially on your way to business success; whether you have an existing website that you want to be redesigned and repackaged or are starting from scratch, there is no better time than right now!


Developing a website that evokes the essence of what you do can seem daunting, but finding a web design team that shares your vision can provide you with the advice, guidance, and full end-to-end service solutions to make your life easier and your website more dynamic, fresh and innovative. In London alone, there is an abundance of web design teams that offer various packages, finding one that can work with you and provide ongoing support and tips is ever more challenging. With so much information out there, here are some important trends, tips and troughs we have found so far in 2020…

The Trends Be A Visionary

We will talk fancy tricks shortly, but first finding the visual representation of your business shouldn’t be a hard process. By using a London based Web design team like Fast Generations; you have the option to collaborate rather than lose control. Some trends are frivolous flights of fancy, whereas others are classic, timeless, and obtainable. Going bold and minimal for your homepage will never steer you wrong. It is the page that introduces you to the world so it should reflect and simply show exactly what you do with classic design styles, vibrant, and bold colours and great quality imagery that sells your lifestyle to the customer.

Get Fancy

We are mid-way through 2020, we are in the future of technology; with an array of high-tech additions you can make to your website, now is the time to stand out. From high-end graphics, immersive 3D elements, reduced navigation options, and more depth and personality – emerge superior from your crowd of competitors.

Keep on Top of Your Output

We have never been more connected than we are right at this very minute. The world is talking with one another in many different ways and on various platforms; being part of the conversation is an essential practice. Get as much content out there as you can; there is an abundance of blog suggestions, ideas, and themes to consider that will suit your business, there are news updates all day every day that may be relevant or social media trends that you can take advantage of and apply for your company’s online presence. We are in an era of connectivity and availability… take advantage!

The Tips Be Clear

It is worth your weight in gold to be as clear and concise with your web design team as humanly possible. The truth is, this is your website, and your business so you should be clear about your message, your purpose for the site, and who your target audience is. If you keep coming back to these elements, you will get the right balance.

Social Media

Including social media and follow buttons, seems obvious but it is vital to the success of your business. Your shop window is more than just your website; it’s your Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, it’s the regularity at which you communicate with your followers and it’s the difference between telling people who you are and what you offer versus customers choosing your competitor who is more easily found.

Change It

There is a huge difference between if it ain’t broke don’t fix it and this isn’t working for me and my customers anymore. The question many of us ask ourselves when we have an established website is, can I change it? The answer is, yes, yes you can! Just because the website is designed and functional, it doesn’t mean it serves the right purpose still; could the message be clearer, could the content be better, the colours bolder, the functionality slicker, and the mobile optimisation a better quality of output? Changing logos, fonts, and colour schemes are also worth a discussion; with the power of social media, you can use the launch of a new design to reengage and excite customers once again.

The Concerns Poor SEO

Becoming SEO Savvy works through your content and your output. Search Engine Optimisation is a big part of how well your content could work for you and how easily you are found. SEO pursues quality traffic for your website with the right leads and keywords, it can be measured and analysed through dashboard information, PPC (Pay Per Click) involvement, and by enhancing your direct engagement.

What do you Do and How do you Do it

This one is a no brainer but a common mistake amongst businesses. Is your website user-friendly? Is it easy to navigate, can rates, products, and services be found quickly and seamlessly, does it work on all mobile devices? These are such important areas to consider. People are busy, if your website is difficult to use or basic information is hard to find, then they move on… Dated. If you have had the same style, same content, and same navigational tools for years, it might be time for a reinvention. All show and no substance often springs to mind with out-dated sites; the journey around the site might be convoluted, important details are hidden and not easily found, not enough vital information in the right place but what remains is clutter, too many images, and words and a lack of simplicity which is key. Content needs to be refreshed, images changed, the flow of the site needs to be examined, and a good clean out maybe in order.

Posted By on August 20th, 2020 in Blog